
Before you begin

If you are updating from 0.8-9 to version 0.8-10 or newer, the package requirements changed. Specifically python 3 based packages are used. During this upgrade, the ibm-crassd service will stop temporarily and monitoring will cease during this time.

Upgrading ibm-crassd

  1. Backup the ibm-crassd.config file found at /opt/ibm/ras/etc/ibm-crassd.config. This location may vary and the default is shown.
  2. Backup the bmclastreports.ini file found at /opt/ibm/ras/etc/bmclastreports.ini This location may vary and the default is shown.
  3. Stop the service using systemctl stop ibm-crassd.
  4. Install ibm-crassd using the instructions above.
  5. Restore the two backed up files to their original locations.
  6. Start the service using systemctl start ibm-crassd.